Tuesday, August 18, 2015

My first encounter with the Feather Hi-Stainless shaving blade

I have heard much about the legendary Feather blade since I started shaving with a traditional safety razor.

The reason why I deviated from the typical cartridge razor in the first place was due the high cost of these typical multi-blade cartridge refills as well as the promise of a better shave from a traditional safety razor. These reasons still hold true today, especially with regards to the cost. While some people from online forums end up splurging on exquisite shaving gear, I have stuck to my very first $2 Rimei brand razor that I bought several years ago.

While razors itself can be expensive depending on what brand you go for, razor blades are typically rather cheap and they do not typically go beyond $2 for a pack of 5 blades. A single pack will last me 2.5months on the very least.

In Singapore, you can get a good selection of razor blades from several shopping centres and shops are Little India, which was what I had been doing for a while. But the Feather was not among these blades. According to local safety razor aficionados, the Feather is only available at Golden Mile shopping centre, which is not the most accessible of places because it was a distance from nearby MRT stations. I got mine for $1.80 for a pack of 5, which was pretty reasonable and comparable to the price of other blades in my possession.

Nevertheless, it was time to try out the legendary Japanese made Feather blade. Some say that beginners should avoid while some regular shavers lament about how unforgiving the blade is when complacency sets in.

When I took the blade out of the pack, it immediately felt higher quality than the other blades I have. Each blade was enclosed in a quality cellulose wrap and quite a bit of glue was used to stick keep the wrap from unwrapping itself. Moreover, the blade and its wrap seemed thinner than others, but I could be wrong.
On my first with-the-grain pass, I was weirdly surprised that it felt as if there was no blade inside my razor. Even the typical "shaving" sounds was eerily missing. But a quick check revealed that a significant amount of hair was removed on a single stroke, which was nice. Other than that, my subsequent cross-grain and against-the-grain passes experience was rather typical.

Honestly, I expected the blade to do wonders after hearing so much hype about it. Maybe my facial hair isn't thick enough to appreciate the full goodness of the Feather blade. After all, most 'low-end' blades considered by most forumers seemed to work rather well for me with little discernible differences between the more expensive blades.

Nevertheless, the Feather is a good blade and it relatively inexpensive too. But, will I purposely make the trip to Golden Mile to buy it? Not really, but if I see it, I will get it.

Edit: I just had my 2nd shave using the Feather and here is where it started to shine. It required lesser number of repeated strokes compared to other blades I have used and achieved almost no irritation at my neck area even with an alcohol aftershave. Having said that, I did take extra care and slowed down my pace during this shave.


Istel said...

Hi Leo,

Thanks for the very detailed review of the feather blade. I myself am trying to track down this blade in golden mile. May I know which shop or location and floor (if you can't recall the name) did you gets yours at 1.8 per pack? Thanks a lot in advance for sharing!

Leonard said...

Hi Istel,

I got it from the supermarket on the 2nd floor for $1.80. It is placed on one of the shelves near the cashier. Quite a nice blade to shave with. Enjoy!

Istel said...

Thank you so much for the information but unfortunately all the feather blades are sold out. Seems like someone came and bought all of them... The only way to get one now at the Thai Super market is to buy the shogun razor and it will come with one feather sample blades freebie.

Leonard said...

Oh my, that is unfortunate. Lets hope they bring in more in the future. In the mean time, do check out Mustafa Shopping Centre or Haniffa Textiles. They carry quite a wide selection of blades of reasonably good quality.

edX said...

Hey Leonard,

I see that the blade you reviewed was the stainless, as opposed to the yellow-boxed Platinum-coated ones.

I'm curious about the latter, and am tempted to buy a 200-blade box of it online that costs a cent more per blade including shipping costs.

As for your sticking to your Rimei brand razor, good for you! I always thought that one should adapt to one's razor.

I didn't though, and just splashed out on a $250usd all-stainless steel adjustable razor called the Rex Ambassador. I suppose i was more attracted to its artistic look and build and heirloomable quality. But i also suppose that not eating out at restaurants...or out for that matter, having a car, and leading quite the spartan life does make me compensate for it now and then with such relatively minor frivolities....haha.

Anyway, if i do get the Feather Platinum, and your curious to try it, I'll pop one in the mail to you, no charge, since i owe you for your post that got me to go to little india for my blades in the first place.

Anyway, have a good week mate. ��